Last Girl: HERE
Gallery of Girls: HERE
So I know it's been a month since I have did one of these, but I should be back doing these weekly I was just busy. Remember if you have a Girl I should check out or you think other people should, drop me a detailed message HERE.
This Week's Would Like To Meet is....
Bar Refaeli

That's just a few pictures if you want more (you know you want more) then click HERE!!
Gallery of Girls: HERE
So I know it's been a month since I have did one of these, but I should be back doing these weekly I was just busy. Remember if you have a Girl I should check out or you think other people should, drop me a detailed message HERE.
This Week's Would Like To Meet is....
Bar Refaeli
Why did I pick Bar you ask? Simple, she's one of the hottest girl I've ever seen. She has just recently became popular with getting the cover spot on SI Swimsuit. So you know what she does, yeah that's model, but she also..umm acts? No basically all she does is model, but who's bitching? Anyways I though I had to come back with a hot girl, so why not Bar Refaeli? The truth is I've know about her before she made the cover. SI sent me a huge calender, and she is the Month of January. You want proof? click HERE. So enough talk check out all the pictures below.

That's just a few pictures if you want more (you know you want more) then click HERE!!
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