Quick Update

Sup people im just going to update you on some stuff im working on right now.

FIRST: I got a new Social Media site coming soon. This means you will be able to sign up become a memeber and have your own profile, add videos/pictures and post on forums. Once im done with everything such as design and adding everything to it I will move sites. So "dalewillet.com" will be transfer to the new site. Im not going to move it untill it's 100% done, I want this to be great not good. But look for that in about a month.

SECOND: I have a new remix coming soon, a while back I did a freestyle called "Da Shit Freestyle" and I always said I wasen't done with it. Well im not I going to be recoreding it very soon in it should be on youtube with-in a week, so look at for it.

THIRD: I been slipping on the freestyle videos, but don't worrie I got them coming. I was busy for a little bit, I had to do other things, but there coming.

That's it, just though I would update everybody.
